
Some eyeshadow palettes

Hello my lovelies!

I know, I know- I've been absent from blogger during the last ten days; once again, I was out of Athens with no Internet service.

I didn't want to write a post of me leaving town as it must be boring for you- so from now on, if I post nothing for more than 5 days or I don't reply to your comments within 24 hours, then it's because I'm out of town. I'm not ignoring you in any way!

Back to what the title suggests; lately I've been wanting to get a couple of eyeshadow palettes- one with lots of colour choices like those generic you get from ebay, and the other with a magnetic pan to hold my single eyeshadows.

The first eyeshadow palette I got is from H&M, it holds 36 colours (including some matte shades!) and it cost me 6.95 euros.

Which yes, it is a steal- but not all shades are pigmented or blendable; nevertheless, seeing all those pretty colours packed neatly in a small palette made me so-so happy! Candy for my eyes, for sure ;)

The second palette I bought is from Art Deco. Oh, I've longed for it for so long!!!

It has a magnetic pan that fits perfectly 12 single Art Deco eyeshadows; it also has a big mirror which is quite handy. Measures 12 x 7.5 cm and it costs around 14-15 euros.

I'm on a mission to fill this up with some neutral colours... It will be fantastic for travel!

In conclusion, I'd like to read your thoughts on cheap eyeshadow palettes like this one from H&M or those generic with 120 colours you get from ebay: would you wear these products on your eyes, knowing that they're made in China and perhaps their ingredients are not tested for their compatibility with the eye area?

Happy blogging and reading and commenting to everyone!



  1. Ειχα πάρει σκιες απο το H&M και ηταν συμπαθητικές,αλλά αυτό που χρησιμοποίησα ήταν μια σκια σε loose μορφή!όσον αφορά τις art deco,είναι καλές ποιοτικά , αλλα τις θεωρώ ακριβές!Με 5Ε παίρνεις λίγη ποσότητα χωρίς καν μια στοιχειωδη συσκευασία!Θα ήθελα πολύ μια coastal scents metal mania!
    ΥΓ:Αγόρασα από το φαρμακείο σκιά του κορρέ που ήταν ξεραμένη και μύριζε...και από παζάρι να την αγόραζα,δεν θα έβρισκα χειρότερη!

  2. I like the Coastal Scents palettes (which you can find at ebay cheaper) and I've used them a million times with no problems whatsoever. I've had high end e/s that weren't at all pigmented and cheaper ones (like the Sleek palettes for example) that have amazing pigmentation. It's trial and error with cosmetics and if you want to be more safe, then check for reviews before buying.
    Art Deco e/s are nice but I agree with Afro that they don't come cheap. And some of them have really chunky glitter!

  3. @afro, ναι τελικά οι σκιές Art Deco είναι ακριβές (αναλογικά), αν γεμίσω αυτή την παλέτα με 12 χρώματα θα μου κοστίσει πάνω από 60 ευρώ!
    Α, ώστε έτσι με τις σκιές του Κορρέ; Χμμ... Θυμάμαι ότι είχα δοκιμάσει αρκετά δείγματα στο φαρμακείο- οι περισσότερες δεν απλώνονταν ομοιόμορφα και δεν είχαν πολύ χρώμα... Όπως τα λες, χειρότερα κι από το παζάρι!

    @Pasiphae, you're so right, the quality of some cheap cosmetics surpass the equivalent high-end products!
    Concerning the CS palettes, I'm most definitely going to purchase some (as soon as I get me a proper debit card, sigh...) but still I'm concerned about how safe it is applying on the eyelids.

  4. I 'd go for the coastal scents palettes if I were you, they are very affordable and are good if you want some variety in your collection! I don't own any, but I d love to get a couple of them in the future!
    I wouldnt worry about quality that much, I don't think I 've heard a bad review/opinion concerning their quality!


  5. Yeah, I fancy the CS palettes a lot- these few 36 colours from H&M gave me so much inpiration for new make-up looks, I can't even imagine my bedazzlement over a 120 colours CS palette!!!

  6. Anonymous6/12/10 23:11

    Εγω για παλεττες προτεινω ebay,εχει τις ιδιες ακριβως απο CS κ σχεδον στη μιση τιμη!
    Καλως σε βρηκα! :)

  7. Ναι τις έχω δει, όλο λέω να κάνω μια παραγγελία αλλά συνέχεια το αναβάλλω!

  8. Πολυ καλές παίχτες έχει και η εταιρεία NYX,οι σκιές είναι πολυ καλες με πολυ ωραία χρώματα!

  9. Α ναι! Τις έχω βάλει κι αυτές στο μάτι εδώ και καιρό!

  10. θα συμφωνησω για τις art deco ενα μικρο πραγματακι παιρνεις και 5-6 ευρω ,αλλα εχει πολυ ωραια χρωματα! Οσο για την παλετα της h&m υπεροχη!τελεια χρωματα και σε πολυ τιμη! νομιζω πως θα με ωθησετε στο on-line shopping εσεις!!!!


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