
Mac Prep+Prime Eye Review

Hello my lovelies!

I've been meaning to post a full review on Mac's Prep+Prime Eye a long time now, but I would always find time to procrastinate- and there's a reason for it.

A month ago, I popped into Mac @Ermou str. with the purpose of getting this particular product.

Out of the three shades Prep+Prime Eye comes in, the lady at the store (who had a fabulous makeup on with glittery paws on her chest, due to the release of "Fabulous Felines") gave me the Medium. For the record, the Light shade was sold out...

Onto the product...


- The packaging is wisely designed- the pot is plastic, with short height and a wide bottom, which works great if you're using your fingertips to apply it and your nails are longer.

- It has a luxurious, creamy texture.

- Beautiful colour- my shade, spot on! Makes my eyes look "rested" and healthy.

- Great coverage that takes minimum product. Looks almost indetectable on my eyelids, a very natural effect.


- Well, there's only one: it doesn't prevent eyeshadows from creasing! I tried to play with it and use it in other ways to see if it's any better (alone on the eyelid, after an astringent toner, topped with powder), nada. After 10 minutes, I could see a crease line.

On Mac's defence, I looked at their website and it nowhere says that this product is meant to hold the eye make-up in place or to prevent creasing, rather that it "...primes the lids. Smooths textures, neutralizes lid colour".

But to me, a primer is meant to make your make-up stay longer on the skin, whether it is a face or an eyelid primer. This is not the case for this product.

In conclusion, if you don't have oily eyelids and you'd like a product to even out the lids' colour/texture, Mac's Prep+Prime Eye is an excellent choice (although a touch of foundation/concealer would do the same job, so there's no need to buy another product for it).

However, if you're looking for a product to make your eye make-up stay on, skip this product and don't waste your money.

My next purchase is definitely going to be a Paintpot by Mac. Painterly or Soft Ochre.
Share your thoughts and preferences, please ;)

Happy blogging and reading and commenting to everyone!



  1. e, ama den kanei auti ti rimadogramm;i ti na to kaneis to primer..? Nomizo oti o logos ypoarksi tou einai na dimiourgei mia sosti vasi gia th skia, me diarkeia.
    a a a, xi sto mac primer

  2. exeis dokimasei to Primer Potion tis urban decay?
    Krataei ti skia oli mera analoiwti! ;)

  3. @beauty editor, ακριβώς... Τι να το κάνεις αν έίναι άχρηστο; Μεγάλη απογοήτευση, τώρα μου έχει μείνει ένα σωρό από δαύτο και λυπάμαι να το πετάξω...

    @Αργυρω, γεια χαρά! Δεν το έχω δοκιμάσει, νομίζω ότι μόνο το Too Faced υπάρχει στα ελ. Sephora. Αχ, πρέπει να κάνω κι εγώ το βήμα προς το online shopping!

  4. I'm using the soft ochre paintpot and I like it a lot. The e/s doesn't crease at least for 8 hours. Except if it's a crappy e/s of course. For mineral e/s you can try Elf's primer, it's very good. I've yet to try the UDPP but it's on my "to buy" list! xxx

  5. Ta primers proswpou (de 3erw gia twn skiwn den exw xrhsimopoihsei) xrhsimopoiountai ontws gia na kanoun thn epidermida na fainetai kaluterh, na kruboun ateleies (leptes grammes, porous klp) k na prostateuoun thn epidermida gt sunh8ws exoun bitamines klp.ara h mac kala ta leei, mono pou gia eye primer mporeis na xrhsimopoihseis k bazelinh me kala apotelesmata.

  6. epa8a akribws to idio me to prep+prime se light.tis artdeco einai kalytero, dokimase kai ths manhattan, kalo einai krataei h skia, alla to bazaki murizei meta apo kanena dimino.
    To paint pot exei plaka sthn arxh ,alla meta mou ksera8hke kai fainetai asxhma sto mati kai den aplwnetai kala. to painterly phra
    To prep+ prime to bazw katw apo ta matia san bash gia to concealer. epeisa ton eauto mou oti boh8aei.a nai, love your blog!

  7. @Pasiphae, ah I want to try Soft Ochre!!! It must me more "friendly" to olive/Mediterranean skin than Painterly ;)

    @Ria, σωστά τα λες, έχεις όμως δοκιμάσει να βάλεις βαζελίνη κάτω από σκιά; Κάτι μου λέει ότι δεν αποφεύγεται με αυτόν τον τρόπο το creasing!

    @andreana, ωωω σ'ευχαριστώ!!!

    Παθούσα κι εσύ, ε... Κάτι μου λέει ότι το αντίστοιχο Manhattan είναι ακριβώς το ίδιο προϊόν με το Art Deco- ή και οι δυο εταιρίες έδωσαν παραγγελία στο ίδιο εργοστάσιο ;)

    Πόσο καιρό έκανε το Paintpot να ξεραθεί; Το Art Deco που δοκίμασα ήταν οκ για χρήση 8-9 μήνες, το πολύ.

  8. Kala ta les! Ta proionta typou primer einai autonohto oti tha prepei na voithane na diathreitai to proion poy tha valeis apo panw (foundation/eyeshadow analoga), toulaxiston gia enan sevasto arithmo wrwn... aparadekto to MAC loipon!!!

    Proswpika, exv katavoleytei me to UDPP (an k epeidh moy exei psiloteleiwsei, tha to gyrisw se TFSI), krataei tis skies (in powder or pigment form) creaseless!


  9. hello there! i stumbled upon your blog accidentally and saw that you're blogging from Greece! I've been there in June and LOVED the country and Santorini <3

    just thought i'd say hi, lol!

  10. @tina_mbc, ναι ίσως το συγκεκριμένο Mac απευθύνεται σε επιδερμίδες με ανομοιόμορφο τόνο, κοκκινίλες, κτλ... Αλλά την ίδια δουλειά δεν κάνει και λίγο κονσίλερ ή foundation στα βλέφαρα; Είναι λίγο περιττό...

    UDPP, ε; Πρέπει να κάνουμε group στο Facebook "Ελληνικά Sephora, φέρτε πίσω τα Urban Decay", lol!!!

    @Jennifer, hi girl!!! Santorini is probably the most beautiful place in Greece, although I've never been there... But I want to!
    Awww, feel free to post anything, anytime! I love to read comments and always reply ;)

  11. Ναι, συμφωνω απολυτα!!! Αν κ εδω που τα λεμε, αν παραφουσκωσουν τις τιμες, καλυτερα να τα αγοραζει κανεις online..
    Παντως το TFSI κανει γυρω στα 12 ευρω στα Sephora την τελευταια φορα που κοιταξα, νορμαλ δλδ.
    Επισης η ΑrtDeco εχει primer ματιων, θεωρειται καλο απ' ο,τι εχω ακουσει..!

  12. To paint pot 3era8hke se peripou 4 mhnes.den to xrisimopoiousa poly.twra brexw to pinelo mou,alla den mou aresei pws fainetai sto mati.agorase to otan exoun 25%.epishs kai to powerpoint ths mac me apogohtepse.einai adiabroxo, alla oxi gia mena.

  13. @tina_mbc, α μια χαρά! Κι εγώ που νόμιζα ότι το TFSI είναι πιο ακριβό από το primer της Mac...
    Ναι το αντίστοιχο Αrt Deco είναι αρκετά καλό, "κρατάει" τη σκιά στη θέση της για πολλές ώρες- αν και δεν καλύπτει κοκκινίλες, κτλ. :(

    @andreana, ωωω μόνο 4 μήνες; Κακά νέα! Θα κάνω αυτό που λες, με το 25% ;)

  14. basika nai...
    ena polu lepto strwma baselinhs kala aplwmeno h thn anakateueis me th skia k einai san ugrh skia pou se emena krataei toulaxiston arketa.

  15. Οκ, τότε θα το δοκιμάσω σίγουρα!
    Thanks, girl ;)

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