
Dream talk...

Hello my lovelies!

It seems that I'm having some serious relaxation here, in the countryside. I know it because I'm having the most enjoyable sleep hours ever, full of long dreams and tiny little stories like snapshots. And it got me thinking- not meaningful stuff, but stil...

First of all, don't you just hate when you dream that you've just met a very famous person, and you go like "ho ho, wait till I tell my friends about it", only to wake up and realise the delusion? ***FYI, in my sleep I've met Bono, George Clooney and Stavros Theodorakis.

I dare say that we were lovers with the latter... I know, waaaay creepy! ***

Another thing that makes me wonder is this:some say that if you see a (preferably bad) dream, then the opposite is bound to happen in real life. But what happens when you're dreaming that you fool around with a hot guy you're familiar with; does this mean that in reality, he's not interested in you or you're going to fool around with an ugly guy?

Anyways, I hope I'm not the only one dreaming about famous people every once in a while... I'd love to read your "dreamy" celebrity acquaintances! Do share ;)

Happy blogging and reading and commenting to everyone!



The Body Shop Shimmer Cubes

Hello my lovelies!

Note: please excuse the rustic-looking dish towel background; I’m currently staying at my parents’ weekend cottage, enjoying some relaxation ;)

Before I left Athens though, I finally managed to acquire two gorgeous eyeshadow palettes from the Body Shop called “Shimmer Waves”. Since then, I’m taking them out of my make-up bag and admiring them every single hour… o_0


- This is high quality stuff, I swear: well pigmented shades, nice texture, shimmery without looking over the top, selection of colours that can be worn together…

- The quantity! You get 4 x 4 gr. of eyeshadow, which is a whole lot compared to the regular-sized eyeshadow pans (for the record, Mac eyeshadows contain … gr of product).

- Each little cube of colour has its own lid, which keeps the palette clean while making it possible to customize your own palette with your favourite shades.

-As all eyeshadow palettes, it’s perfect for travel. It’s so annoying trying to reach those little eyeshadow pots located at the bottom of a make-up bag! That way, everything is in one place and much easier to grab ;


- Maybe the price? I paid 20 euros for each one, but considering their quantity and quality, I wouldn’t count its price as a negative.

- There are no matte shades in any of the palettes. But I guess that’s why they’re called Shimmer Cubes, right?

Onto the products...

Shimmer Cube #6

Honeycomb: a rich, dark golden shade. I like it a lot but it doesn’t seem to work with my brown eyes. Would work best on blue/green eyes, though…

Dark Chocolate: a bronzey dark brown. Again, it would look flattering on eyes other than brown!

Marshmallow: a beautiful, shimmering nude colour. It’s prettier than what the photo shows! I mostly use when I want to pull off red lips.

Choc Chip: a light taupy brown shade, very flattering for my brown eyes. A favourite!

Shimmer cubes #7

Ruby: a nice blue-purple shade. It needs a purple base to look at its best, though.

Dusted Silver: a silver shade with intense shimmer. I only use it on the tearduct area if I want to look like an innocent doll!

Argyle Pink: thankfully, this pink shade won’t make your eyes look as if you’ve been deprived of sleep for days…

Rich Bronze: a nice, red-undertoned brown; as such, it flatters any eye colour.

The palettes that I bought come from the Body Shop’s regular line of make-up products; the company usually releases one limited-edition Shimmer Cube palette each year with colours that are currently on trend. To give you an example, this was the spring 2010 edition:

Overall, I would say that the Shimmer Waves is a product worth getting from the Body Shop. They’re somewhat unique, the quality is fab, the quantity unbeatable, so I would highly recommend them. Let me know what you think or if you’ve tried any of these ;)

Happy blogging and reading and commenting to everyone!


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