
DIY project: My own homemade soaps!

You read that right:
I got real crafty last summer!

If you're like me -obsessed with beauty and cosmetics, that is-, read on because there's a whole 'nother world you can let loose your passion: making your own beauty products! I proudly present you my first batch of homemade olive oil soaps- which, contrary to what you might think, they're dead easy to make.

But why soaps, you might ask?
It was only because I didn't want to waste a huge 5lt can of olive oil that didn't taste quite right. Throwing it away was not an option, so I had to find a means to make it useful ;)

First and foremost, there's two things you need to keep in mind before experimenting with soap-making recipes:

a. Do your homework. Even the tiniest little search online will be enough to baffle you with contradicting recipes. So before settling on a particular recipe, learn about the characteristics of each ingredient, what quality of soap they produce, and the importance of accuracy in weighing each quantity.

b. Take all precautions necessary! It's very, very important not to let the lye get in contact with your skin. Or your eyes and nose. Get youselves some gloves, an old blouse with long sleeves, a face mask, and some vinegar in case you spill yourself with some soap mixture by accident (vinegar counteracts the lye in the soap).

     Here's a side-by-side comparison with a store-bought soap. The one in the middle is
     made according to the basic colour- and fragrance-free recipe. Green colour has
     been added to the soap on the right, along with Cedar essential oil.

So, what's the main principle behing soap-making?

It's simple:
Mixture A consists of all the oils the recipe calls for. Mixture B has the lye (or Sodium Hydroxide, or NaOH, if you prefer) diluted into water. You should have the two mixtures reach the same temperature, preferably 37 °C. Once you achieve that, you stir mixture B into mixture A, and then blend with a hand mixer for 5', or until it reaches the consistency of velouté soup. Then you pour it into moulds lined with parchment paper, and you're done!

The next day, you take it out of the moulds and cut it into slices, or any shape you want really. Then you must store it in a cool and dry place for at least 6 weeks, during which time the soaps are NOT usable yet. After 6 weeks have passed, you can finally take them out of their storage place and put them into use!

* I decided to make my own recipe (took me an afternoon full of calculations!), as I wanted to be sure that the quantity of the ingredients were 100% correct. You certainly don't have to follow that route! If anyone's interested, below I have a photo of the recipe I made. *

- 967,5 gr olive oil
- 82,56 gr coconut oil
- 140 gr lye, or Sodium Hydroxide, or NAOH
- 350 ml ionised water

FIY, the only ingredient that doesn't matter if you pour too much or too little into the mix is water. That happens because water doesn't take part in the chemical reaction between oil and lye, it only serves as a diluter to the lye. Other than that, any recipe for homemade soap MUST contain a small amount of coconut oil, because this is what is going to make the soap foam. I've also read that cheap olive oil of the worst quality (for ex. olive pomace oil) makes a better soap than what you'd get by using the more expensive cooking olive oil!

I hope I've inspired you to pull up your sleeves and experiment with DIY ideas, like making your own soaps! If you have any questions about soap-making, don't hesitate to ask: I may not be an expert in the field, but I can definitely help out a beginner.

What are your thoughts on homemade cosmetics?
Do you think they're worth the effort? I certainly do!

Evi   xx


  1. Ooooh this sounds like a lot of fun! I like how the end result looks and you make the process sound very easy indeed! I love homemade cosmetics but for now I'll stick to buying them from LUSH as I fear that if I start making my own, I just won't stop XD

    1. It IS so much fun! Next time I'll be experimenting with making my soaps look white! And seriously, I can't wait until Lush branches out to Greece, their stuff looks to die for ;)

  2. Καλέ μήπως είσαι χημικός?? Μου φάνηκε δύσκολο βρε :) ...Άσε που είμαι επιρρεπης στα ατυχήματα!Τα συμπαθώ πολύ πάντως τα σαπουνάκια-περισσότερο απ'τα αφρόλουτρα!

    1. Χαχα, όχι δεν είμαι χημικός! Μάλλον τελειομανής μέχρι αηδίας!!!

  3. Κι εγώ θα προσπερασω, αν και φαίνονται ωραία, δεν έχω κάν πχ θερμόμετρο. Ούτε την υπομονή να περιμένω 6 εβδομάδες. Αλλά μπράβο σου!!

    1. Καλά όντως, το soap-making χρειάζεται μια σακούλα με ειδικό εξοπλισμό!

  4. Μπράβο! αλλά θα συμφωνήσω με την afro...! κι εμένα δύσκλο μου φάνηκε :P

    1. Όχι μωρέ, δεν είναι δύσκολο στην πραγματικότητα! Ίσως το έκανα να φαίνεται δύσκολο με όλα τα δεκαδικά ψηφία, τις πράξεις και τις επεξηγήσεις!

  5. Δεν μπαίνω σε τέτοια πειράματα αλλα μπράβο για την υπομονή

  6. Μπράβο σου!! Μου αρεσει πάρα πολύ σαν ιδεα!! Δυστυχως δεν εχω την υπομονή να το κανω ολο αυτό! Και γενικα οτιδηποτε DIY , ενω μου αρεσει παρα πολύ και ενθουσιαζομαι με την ιδεα, στην πράξη σπάνια το κανω. Οπότε σταματησα να κοροϊδευω τον εαυτό μου απο ενα σημείο και μετά! Καθαρη τεμπελιά! :p Μπορει να ψησω τη μανα μου ομως....χεμ χεμ χεμ!! :D

    1. Είναι λίγο μπελάς, το αποτέλεσμα όμως σε αποζημιώνει ;)
      Καλά κι εγώ βαριόμουν να μπλέξω με DIY στην αρχή, αλλά τελικά βρήκα ότι αν πάω με δική μου συνταγή τα καταφέρνω στο τέλος!

  7. ωραία η ιδέα σου..και εμένα μου αρέσουν τα χειροποίητα καλλυντικά αλλά συμφωνώ με τα κορίτσια οτι είναι λίγο δύσκολο!προτιμώ να τα προμηθεύομαι απο το ίντερνετ ή απο καταστήματα που πουλάνε τέτοια προ'ι'όντα.
    μπράβο σου πάντως που το δοκίμασες..είναι πολύ ωραίο συναίσθημα η χαρά της δημιουργίας..

    1. Ναιιι, η χαρά της δημιουργίας! Και είναι μακράν καλύτερα από τα αγορασμένα σαπούνια με όλα τα ζωικά λάδια χείριστης ποιότητας... Thank you!

  8. Εισαι απιστευτη!!! Πολλη ωραια ιδεα και δημιουργικη.. Δυστυχως και εγω δεν ξερω αν θα τα καταφερνα :-Ρ

    1. Aw, thank you! Όχι μωρέ, θα τα κατάφερνες! Είναι πιο εύκολο από ό,τι νομίζεις!

  9. i love diy stuff!!good job and good idea

  10. What a great idea! xx

  11. τελειο!!!Να σου πω την αληθεια μου τα χημικα ειναι που με κρατανε και δε το εχω προσπαθησει!!
    Αλλα τωρα το ξανασκεφτομαι


    1. Α μην τα φοβάσαι, αν κάνεις όλη την προετοιμασία έξω από το σπίτι δε θα έχεις κανένα πρόβλημα! Και οκ, κανονικά πρέπει να λαμβάνεις όλα τα μέτρα προστασίας, αλλά ευτυχώς το μίγμα δεν πιτσιλάει κα-θό-λου!

  12. polu wreo k xrisimo post eidika st meres mas ;)


    1. Αυτό σκέφτηκα κι εγώ, κρίμα να πάει χαμένο ένα 5λιτρο ελαιόλαδο- γι'αυτό κι έγινε σαπούνι!

  13. Hello girl! Εχω giveaway αν σ'ενδιαφερει :)

  14. I don't think I could go near sodium hydroxide, too risky! A friend of mine made some homemade bath melts that didn't involve anything too harsh- I think I'll be hassling her for the recipe! Yours look great, let us know what you think of them when you use them :) xxx

    1. Oooh, bath melts- that's a great idea for DIY!

      The soaps feel nice, they foam up a bit and don't dry out the hands, but the main problem is they melt in the shower and get mushy over time :(


  15. Hey lovely! I jus found your cute blog and gladly added myself to your followers! I’d love to have you stop by and maybe follow too? Also I’ll leave the link to a big international JUICY COUTURE GIVEAWAY I’m having in case you’re interested!:)

    Hope to see you there, and thanks so much beautiful!!
    Xo, Emily

    Juicy Couture Giveaway!

    1. Hi hun!
      You have a lovely blog, I'm glad I found out about it!


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